Monday Morning Motivation

Okay so this week Monday morning motivation comes in the way of an invitation. Now you all know I like the chance to share happiness and positivity where I can and so this week I invite … No…. I challenge you to partake in the #100HappyDays with me.

I kept seeing this hashtag and not really getting it but you need to check the website out here to get the full details and also the amazing benefits sharing just a little happiness each day can bring.

So I begin today you can follow my #100DaysHappy on twitter
Post where I can see yours in the comments below I wanna share in all your happiness too!

Motivational Mondays Leading the Way

Okay so this Monday I’m focusing on how we inspire others, I spent last week housebound because my 6 year old had chicken pox. I did suffer a bit of cabin fever but overall enjoyed the time I got to spend with my boys and I noticed how much what I do inspires my eldest, Finley.

I have been planning how I will return to work and some new ventures I will be taking part in, its meant some time while the baby was snoozing working away in the sunshine at the table in the conservatory and it made me smile how much my son wanted to be sat colouring in or working away next to me. You see Finley doesn’t like writing or colouring much and his fine motor skills are below what’s expected in school, but what I love is when you spark a passion or interest in Finley he will try his hardest to draw or write about it.

We don’t just influence the young around us, this last week I have noticed how my business and what I do inspires others including people older than me, this makes me feel fabulous its great to spark off someone else’s passion. So this week thinks about your actions and how you may be inspiring those around you without even knowing it or intending to. Try and keep your thoughts and actions positive and have a fabulous week.


Monday Morning Mumpreneur Motivation!

Mmmmmm … What a mouthful I have given you this morning but there is a great explanation for it. You see my motivation and the sudden whirlwind I am creating in my home and business have all gone from the normal 80mph to full steam ahead because last Thursday I was the runner up in the Mumpreneur category of the Kent Women In Business Awards.


This was such a big deal for me and if I’m honest something I really needed. You see it can be hard being self employed. A lot of the time working for yourself by yourself and it can get frustrating, lonely and there are times you think you may be driving yourself mad, when arguing between the benefits and disadvantages of any idea! Then there are moments like Thursday night, where I was a runner up amongst over 40 entries of extremly talented and inspiring business women.

We all need moments like Thursday night whether they come in the way of an award or just a friendly confident boost of encouraging words and so I made you this ….


You are AWESOME now go dream big, share positivity & love and have a kickass awesome week!


P.S I know the title says MORNING motivation but even us Mumpreneurs have our challenges;


Monday Motivation it’s been a while …

I have good reason for having not blogged for a while, and it’s definitely been a motivation and inspiration for me, I welcomed to the word our second beautiful boy, Freddie.


Being a mum all over again and watching my eldest son become a big brother has been simply beautiful. We have been watching videos by a truly inspirational, funny and happy kid called Kid President, and I think the best and most appropriate motivation I can share with you today is his video Kid Presidents’s letter to a person on their first day here being emotional & a new mummy it had me smiling & crying at the same time!

Now on maternity leave, when the baby is sleeping & my eldest is at school I plan to get in some time for writing I miss sharing Monday Motivation and beauty stuff with you guys. I’m looking forward for what’s to come & sharing it with you all. Have a fab week



Morning!! Okay guys after last weeks honesty in finding motivation through life’s everyday challenges (you can read it here) my motivation this week comes quite easily because this is the week my second baby is due!!!

Of course I’m nervous but the thought that we are going to have a beautiful new addition in our family and our love and happiness is going to grow is so ridiculously exciting! And whilst I don’t expect you all to find motivation in my bumps arrival I did do some photos this weekend with my bump and the assistance of my gorgeous mum & little boy that I think will make everyone smile so decided to use it to share a smile today!

Hope you all have a simply amazing week, and ill keep you updated with any news!! 🙂


Honest Monday Motivation even through Difficulties!

Sometimes on my Monday Motivation blogs I get people express their dismay of how easy I make the motivation appear, but I’m human it’s not always the case!
Although I instead choose to focus on it as a commitment, meaning that by doing it, finding that motivation through the hard times and sharing it with others will make it easier to come by, easier to accept and more excitingly easier to share.

But today I’m going to share with you the reality, that as much as I want to motivate and inspire others as the sun beams at me through the window I have had what can only be described as a pretty shit morning! And if it makes you feel better and more human I’m going to tell you all about it and then finish with the motivation in its depths.

Ok so run through so far:
1. Having to walk to school because my car is at deaths door and has no tax or MOT – it’s going to scrap yard heaven today 😦
I’d like it noted this now means I have to walk, hold on correct that with less than two weeks until the baby arrives I’m waddling everywhere!!
2. It’s the first week of the month the bills are all coming out the bank
3. The local council are chasing a council tax bill of from over 10 years ago – I know I hoard shit but even my paperwork doesn’t go that far back!!! And when we go down there they say they can’t provide us with the proof we are asking for to email them – does no one work face to face anymore!! They also give me a list of numbers which send me passed from pillar to post hormonal and crying a little
4. HMRC have told me I was overpaid working tax credits by a couple of grand which amazes me as they are HMRC and so knew what I was earning down to the penny!! So I’m now having to try to understand their working out to know where my working out and what I received went so bloody wrong and I’m trying to understand numbers with serious baby brain!! So I go to the HMRC person at the local office and basically he can’t help either I have to talk to a million automated messages before I might maybe possibly find someone who can advise me!
5. I have now pulled my house apart so much in attempt to declutter my office for the nursery plus clear all my other piles hidden in nooks and cranny’s that I have lost the will at that last hurdle of stuff that has no home!!!

Next on my to do list is this, my motivational blog and that’s when I sat down and thought how do I conquer this today, how do I face it when I feel so challenged and I found just what I needed;

<a href="http://

And that’s when I got my head together and turned the shitty day around:
1. Walking is good for me and Finley loves to ride his scooter to school, it wasn’t raining this morning and I stopped to see my mum too and made us a cuppa!
2. I wouldn’t have bills if I hadn’t received the luxuries of the items for which they are paying, here is what i mean;
my gas bill is paying to heat my home and for those gorgeous hot showers or deep bubble baths
the electricity is a bill for the luxury of light so I don’t have to try and read in the dark, so that I can make hot chocolate in the microwave
My phone bill pays for the luxury of being able to contact someone special straight away and write this blog on my phone right now!
And I’m fortunate that each month I manage to pay for these luxuries even if occasionally I do log into my online banking peeking through my fingers! 😉
3. I have done all I can I have spoken to all the “powers that be” to explain how we can’t disprove what they are saying but don’t agree and I have to leave that there, I can’t let that consume me or get me down it will get there in the end and until further contact is made on their part it’s out of my control
4. HMRC like to confuse me so I know I need to have every last figure down to the penny and be ready to ask them all theirs it’s hard to remember everything when your on the phone and they seems so scary (they’re not!) so I’m going to sit and run through it all myself and then tackle it head on, and ask for their help and explanations to go with it all just to try and understand how such a large error was made!
5. Decluttering has made me feel accomplished and content at home and seeing the final stretch I know once its done I can relax and get ready for baby’s arrival and just enjoying our home, for now the bin men hate me and the charity shop love me for the same reason they are both getting a mountain of bags each week! 🙂

Sharing this today has kept me smiling and lifted me when the reality is I’d like to bury my head in the sand and pretend its not happening but I also want to show the human behind the blog, the reality and say Thank YOU! I turned my day around because I wanted to motivate and inspire whoever is reading this.

Special Thanks Image use from the very inspirational Dr Steve Maraboli

Monday Motivation apparently we should all be Blue!

Apparently we are into our second blue Monday of the year ALREADY!

Like the media doesn’t already fill us with enough doom and gloom did we really need to wake up this morning preparing ourselves to feel blue when the possibilities of the day haven’t even unfolded! Why is it blue??

Granted I’m 3/4 of the way into the month and can’t wait for pay day, and this morning I had to de-ice the inside of my widescreen (seriously!), and a mess up on the accountants side meant me spending the morning doing figures and paperwork. So What?? We still have yummy food on our plates everyday, I have a de-icer tool thingy so my hands don’t get cold and I don’t break anymore cd cases, plus finley found it hilarious that i was making it “snow” in the car and on the plus side of the accounts I got to drink hot chocolate on the sofa.

My point is, it is what we make it. Some days I would of woke up at today’s events and cried like a baby because some days that’s just easier but the reality is we decided if we are blue or not and we decide how we accept each daily challenge thrown at us and I try my best to face them in the happiest way possible, after all only I decide how I want to feel.


With special thanks to my wonderful upline in Arbonne & my friend Pamela Ibanez for sharing this picture, she always finds our team the perfect motivation to share and she has an awe about her that just gives off incredible positivity, she really does ROCK!

So Smile, take 5 and reconnect, it’s only blue Monday if we let it happen 😉


Monday Morning Motivation for a Busy Day


Ok so today is a bit if a hectic one for me, school run (must remember Finley has a pyjama day at school) then straight off to a meeting with a business buddy at bluewater, where I may try and squidge in a little Christmas shopping (I still have soooo much to do) before a midwife appointment at The hospital to check the little bambino in my belly is doing as it should be and all ok! (Jut under 9 weeks to go!)
Then home for some lunch followed by some major housework catch up after another wonderful weekend, before getting on with some Christmas wrapping whilst watching motivational webinars, that will hopefully kick me up the bum to book a venue for some talks I’m planning next year and updating the appointments available up until Christmas.

My to do lot is much longer but think this will do for today and now I have told you all you can all hold me accountable so ill be back later to update with photos!

What are your top priorities on your to do list for today or this week?
Share them below i would love to hear them and ill check up on you too just to make sure you are going out and kicking ass!


The Sweet Cheeks Beauty Room

Just writing the title to this post made me smile because of all the time and effort I put in to making that dream a reality, my beautiful company Sweet Cheeks Beauty now has its very own beauty room and I couldn’t be happier.


So when I decided to write about it I was wondering what avenue to go down and then I decided I wanted the first one to be one that would inspire others, because whilst I am so happy to have achieved this now, it’s taken a long time, a lot of dreaming and at so many times failures and moments I thought I should give up.

I have been in the beauty industry for ten years and I wanted this a lot sooner than I achieved it, I’m impulsive and if I put in the work today I kind of expect to see the results tomorrow and it took me a while to realise this didn’t happen. So what was the change? What was the shift for me that made me start seeing some amazing results? If I’m honest it was mainly my attitude.

I sat down and I looked at my faults and the things I didn’t like about myself;
-procrastinate, a lot, like way too much deadlines were the starting line for me when it came to the need to do jobs!

-compare myself to others & being a green eyed bitch, seeing others gain success made me feel like a failure and I was so horrible and bitter for their triumphs

-multitasking – no not in the good way, I mean multi tasking projects and not keeping my eye on one ball at a time

-emotions – I am a highly emotionally strung person and sometimes this gets in the way for business for me, because I want everyone to like me. That in itself is a humongous task and whilst I don’t like the word impossible that comes pretty close.

-people pleasing constantly meant a lot of my time was spent agreeing to help and please others and being so disappointed when they weren’t supporting me and my business in some of the simplest ways, I felt this as a personal rejection when the likely hood was they either didn’t want to or were too busy with their own projects or just weren’t as easily pushed over as I was

-constantly thinking I wasn’t already successful, doing well or surrounded by lots of abundance and blessings

I then thought how I can change them and the person I wanted to be;
-stopping procrastination – I now have clear weekly and monthly goals I’m not perfect I still leave things to last minute occasionally but I have more focus and a bit more of a schedule for different things (also this week I’m setting up accountability for my job list with another entrepreneurial friend we are meeting monthly and speaking weekly to motivate each other and get the jobs done!)

-stop being a mega bitch – I of all people know how hard the journey can be so why did i presume others had just leapt to success and not had their own journey? I now celebrate others success, I find ways they inspire me, I learn from their stories and I support their goals its much better being on that side of the fence rather than a lonely monster wallowing in self pity and jealousy 🙂

-multi tasking – I still have the urge to do it all I’m a workaholic but whilst I may add an idea to my dream board I don’t have to do it all now it means there is less pressure and my work is better I pay even more attention to detail (I just have to get it started pretty soon on one of my monthly targets)

-emotions – I feel them I take full accountability for them but I don’t let them decide who I am going to be or how my day or week is going to feel. I also have to understand that my bubbly, enthusiastic, energetic behaviour, my fast talking and constant happy thoughts and smiles do get on some people’s nerves and not everyone is going to like me, that’s ok too not everyone is meant to like me it toughens my skin and also makes me understand other people’s personalities and behaviour. As well as teaching me the way I am towards others and how my behaviour may effect their emotions and make them feel.

-people pleasing for this I read a book, a New York Times best seller called The Disease To Please. I had enough of trying to keep everyone happy and the minute I couldn’t say “yes” being made to feel guilty when the fact is I give so much, so I saw this book recommended and have shared it with lots of others since it was attitude changing it opened my eyes


-changing my attitude I now meditate most days, I take photos, i write poetry, I take in the moments I love and smile, I write in my gratitude jar normally about 20 things a day (that’s a lot of blessings), i share happiness with others, i find ways to pay it forward and I’m happy. Don’t get me wrong bad things happen but what can I do about it throw myself a pity party or think “how do I deal with this shit?”

And as silly as it sounds once I faced up to all the above I kind of felt like I knew where I needed to go, I’m not saying it was easy it took me years to face up to the things I didn’t want to blame on myself, I wanted to find other excuses now I know there is no need for excuses because that’s just lying to myself and delaying me finding the true answers and making the changes I need to make. These shifts haven’t just got me to the beauty room but they have made me appreciate and love all the finer things in life and watching all of that grow around me.

I’m going to share another post later on the actual opening and setting up of the beauty room ill share some pics of me decorating, moving stock in and just what a beautiful tranquil place my Sweet Cheeks Beauty room is 😉



A Random Share of Card Reading & My Challenge Ahead

Ok so tonight I done myself an angel card reading, it is just something I like to do every so often and the card I drew tonight was this….

I found this really great and reassuring as tomorrow I am beginning on my first “course” of meditation. It is a 21 day meditation programme with Deepak Chopra if you click in that link, there is still time to sign up. I’m really looking forward to taking part and after receiving my email tonight have prepared myself for the programme.

Set the intention for what you wish the next 21 days will bring into your life. As it is a programme for abundance that’s what I have based my intentions around, I’d like to point out at this point abundance does not just mean financial riches
– I would like to create abundance of love, health, wealth and happiness for my family.
– I would like to appreciate and take in all the little details, for this is where the true abundance of life lies.
– I would like to attract abundance into my business and educational decisions
– I would like to feel relaxed and revived.
– i would like to notice a transformation of positivity in myself, more positive and to have a positive effect on those around me.

Let others in your life know how important meditation is to you and ask that they respect the time you’ve set aside for yourself. – so I’m going to do it as soon as Finley is in bed and tell dan I’m having some me time!

Check your email daily. – this is going to be tough but all part of the programme I have a busy week though (a Pamper with a Purpose for British Heart Foundation Thursday) so may have to do a morning/afternoon check!

If you miss a day of meditation, be gentle with yourself and then resume your daily practice-it’s dans 30th birthday Tuesday so I’m going I try and get up early to squeeze my meditation in (and let him have a lay in!)

So quick go log on here take part with me and let me know how you are preparing and be sure to stay in touch along the way!