Monday Morning Motivation staying in listening to St Jude

I’m writing this from my bed, you know there really is a lot you can get done here! I’m listening to the winds of St Jude the storm that hit us in the early hours of this morning crash into my house and up the side it sounds amazing and whilst I know the damage in some areas I’m embracing what it is giving me.

Because I’m not a fan of the cold, and I don’t fancy being swept away me and Finley are spending the first official day of half term indoors we will read, draw, play games and have fun and we may even make some more treats in the kitchen! I of course will also manage to squeeze in some work I have blogs to catch up on, some bits to promote for Sweet Cheeks Beauty and some flyers to order.

But for now some wind inspired inspiration to get your week off to a storming start …

Photo courtesy of threadneck. Thank you.

I hope you have an amazing week do keep me posted on all you’re up to


Family Funday Sunday, Pickin’ Pumpkins ready for Halloween

This week Finley has been amazing at guilt tripping me every time I have gone to work, (despite the fact i made the parent teacher meeting, we have had cuddles every morning, read every night and i have taken him and watched all his after school clubs!) so to have a day like today where the only focus has been having fun with my two boys is amazing and reminds him why Mummy works so hard!

After a breakfast prepared by my gorgeous man whilst I got the lil dude ready we set off 15 minutes away to Beluncle Farm to go pick our own Pumpkins.

I have to say the whole process from start to finish was such a laugh and so much fun best explained by pictures …

Wheelbarrows at the ready we set off picking a whole range of pumpkins … And there was me thinking you could only get your standard orange ones.




There was such a variety we had lots of laughs looking at all the different types and all nearly slipping over in the mud (it rained lots last night!)




Finley played on the “Pumpkin Shys” and knocked 3 out of 5 off! He loved that!

And he liked posing for a picture on the hay bales and with the giant pumpkins



Once we got home we carved the pumpkins me and Finley used two together to create this

And we made Pumpkin cake …ill update on this later.

Dan created this which I love and caused a serious concentration face


More to follow we have little ones still to carve 🙂 and cake to eat!

Finley’s Homework … Meet Zog the Alien

So this weekend we got the recycling bag emptied the craft & paints out and this is what me and my gorgeous little boy created meet Zog our alien from planet Frosticle we had so much fun making him.


Then this morning (because 1.We are last minute and 2. He concentrates more in the morning) Finley was meant to write a couple of lines and pointers to give details to his class about Zog, instead though whilst we were laying in bed having our cuddles as we do every morning at about 6am Finley and I (mainly Finley) came up with a poem (that he has created a tune to and turned into a song!) so I thought I would share with you all. Feel free to leave comments and feedback ill be sure to pass them on to the creative little dude.


Aliens are funny,
Aliens are kind,
They get up to mischief all of the time.

This ones called zog,
He scared my dog,
When he landed in his spaceship in the fog.

He came into my bedroom and woke me up,
We played with my toys,
And then tidied them up.

He comes from planet frosticle,
Where its snows blue snow,
His the best alien I ever will know!

By Finley age 6!
(Tiny tiny bit of help from mummy)

Monday Morning Motivation

I have a quiet week ahead in the beauty room with lots of appointment spaces I’m sure I will fill but if I don’t its ok, because I have lots of preparation and work to be doing behind the scenes at Sweet Cheeks Beauty
I have lots of social media activity I need to plan, a web designer I need to speak to and Christmas appointment schedules I need to work out and put up as well as promote the start to my Christmas Coffee Mornings starting this Saturday at the studio.

So some Monday morning motivation to get us through the week I love this

Be sure to enjoy the journey whilst we all work so hard to achieve dreams, it is all part of the fun and the leaning curve 😉
This picture is courtesy of The Student Wellness Project, a student-led movement for Columbia University and Barnard College.

Happy Monday here’s hoping you all have a fabulous week, let me know what you’ve got planned in the comments below